Today, we’re going to discuss a newspaper article. It talks about five signs that indicate the need to find a new job.
Let’s take a look!
#1 You hate it when they ask you about your job.
According to the article, if you hate when people ask you about your job, it may be time to consider a change.
I believe it makes a lot of sense. If every time someone asks you, “How are you doing at work?” you feel bad, maybe there’s a problem. Who wants to feel that way? Nobody, right?
But maybe, when you’re not at work, you simply want to disconnect. That is, to stop thinking about work. So, in this case, you might hate being asked about your work because you want to talk about other things. So, this sign is perhaps not so clear.
#2 You have a lousy time on Sundays.
Yes, it happens a lot. The weekend is short; as they say, it goes by quickly. So it’s normal to feel sad because the next day is Monday and you have to work.
According to the article, if you have a lousy time on Sundays, which means you are very sad or negative, it indicates that the next day, you have to work on something you don’t like at all.
And I completely agree. I think that, to a certain extent, this sign is reasonable. It is not normal to have a bad time every Sunday. Maybe you need a change, look for a new job.
#3 It affects your self-esteem.
If your job makes you feel bad about yourself, it affects your self-esteem. I have my reservations. It’s true that a toxic work environment is not the best thing for your self-esteem, but our worth goes beyond our work.
#4 You hate logging into LinkedIn.
The fourth sign was a bit unexpected. According to the article, considering a job change is advised if you hate logging into LinkedIn. This point, I don’t see it clearly. LinkedIn is simply a platform that helps connect people and companies. To say that hating LinkedIn is a sign that you need to change jobs, I’m not so sure.
#5 Poor Sleep Quality.
And the last sign the article gives us is if your job stresses you out so much that you can’t get a good night’s rest. In part, I agree with this. If you wake up at night thinking about work or have nightmares about it, that’s not okay. However, it’s important to keep in mind that factors beyond work can also affect our ability to sleep well.
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