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#201 Virtues in English Loyalty, Wisdom, Serenity, Resilience

Listen to a new episode of Speak English Now Podcast, your favorite material for practicing your spoken and heard English. You will also learn about lifestyle and culture, language, vocabulary, and how to improve your English more effectively.


Hi, everybody! I am Georgiana, your English teacher and founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com. My mission is to help you speak English fluently.

In this episode, you will learn vocabulary related to virtues with examples. In the second part, you will practice grammar with a point of view lesson without memorizing any boring rules.

Before getting started, visit my website SpeakEnglishPodcast.com and get the transcript for free.

Okay. First of all, what is a virtue? Thanks for asking. A virtue is a positive characteristic of a person. Usually, someone’s virtues have a positive impact on others. Yes, I know that sometimes it’s hard to find virtues in some people, but if you look carefully, you will find them.

Sometimes the word “quality” is also used to say the same thing. The opposite of virtue would defect, which logically is negative. It’s the undesirable aspect of a person.

Sometimes people confuse virtue with ability. They are not precisely the same. A virtue is part of someone’s personality, and that helps differentiate them from other people. For example, one person may be wise, and another may not.

On the other hand, someone may have the ability to play an instrument, be organized, etc.

Okay, let’s look at some of these virtues. There are so many, and I had to make a selection. I think it’s quite useful vocabulary. Let’s look at the first one:

#1 Loyalty

Loyalty implies being faithful to something or someone. You can be loyal to a cause, an idea, etc. You can also be loyal to a friend, for example. It conveys the idea of support.

Let’s look at an example:

“Philip is a very loyal person. Even though the company was going through hard times, he did not leave and stayed until the end.”

Loyalty is easy when things are going well but more difficult when there are problems. For example, many people are disloyal when they can no longer benefit from a situation.

#2 Wisdom

Wisdom is known as being prudent and having good judgment. The latter, good judgment, means that after analysis and reflection, good decisions are made. In other words, a wise person does not make strange or crazy decisions. It has a lot to do with maturity.


“My friend is not wise (unwise) because he never fastens his seat belt when he drives.”

#3 Serenity

What a lovely word, right? A serene person is someone who remains calm when facing problems. It is a calm attitude towards life. Please do not confuse it with an unaware person, someone who ignores problems. A serene person usually faces problems, but their attitude is relatively relaxed. I like to talk to people who have this virtue because they give you quite a lot of peace.

Here’s an example:

“Daniel is a serene person. He hardly gets upset about anything.”

Let’s look at the next one:

#4 Resilience

This word became very fashionable in the environment of psychology and even business. In essence, resilience is the ability to face adversity and recover quickly. It involves adaptation, flexibility, and certain confidence to move forward.


“I admire Monica because of her resilience. It turns out that she lost her job two weeks ago, but she is already training to adapt to the needs of today’s job market.”

That’s all for today. 🙂

By the way, if you want to know how to speak English using the right techniques, visit SpeakEnglishPodcast.com and subscribe to my mailing list. I will send you my five golden rules to speak English fluently. And it’s completely free.

Ok! Now it’s time for you to learn grammar in context with a point of view story.



Recommended Material:

Fluency Course

Can you understand a conversation in English but still can’t speak? The Fluency course will help you speak English automatically. Learn how to speak English without translating mentally.



With Georgiana’s method  I have started speaking English from minute one and this is exactly what I needed. With the traditional method you will practice grammar, grammar and grammar, but with Georgiana’s method you will practice listening and speaking and in my opinion this is the most important thing when you are learning a new language. Ricardo

“Thanks to Georgiana, I have lost my fear of speaking English. I have eliminated my frustration and started to enjoy this language.” Miriam

“I did not study English when I was a child. I contacted Georgiana at a time when I felt blocked. She has helped me to lose my fear of speaking English.” Ana