❤️ Valentine's Day Offers ❤️








#042 The Connectors in English with a Story


Hi everyone! I’m Georgiana; founder of SpeakEnglishPodcast.com. My mission is to help YOU speak English fluently.

  • Today I’ll talk about the connectors, those words that help us to better structure what we say.
  • Next, of course, we’ll practice with an exclusive lesson from the point of view story.

I’ll just go ahead and start talking about connectors. But don’t worry, I’m not gonna give any grammatical theory here 🙂 As usual, I’ll give you some examples, and then you’ll practice the connectors in context with the point of view story.

Connectors are merely words that help structure what you say or write.

Only by using a few connectors, you can significantly improve your fluency and expressivity.

Let’s take a look at some of the best-known connectors:

When we want to add something, we use words like BESIDES, ALSO and MOREOVER.

For example:

“I don’t want to go to the movies. Besides, it’s late now.”

“I want a cake and an ice cream also.”

“He didn’t like the birthday party. Moreover, he had to cancel his romantic date.”



  • Audio mp3 (right-click to save the audio)
  • FULL TEXT PDF (right-click to save the TEXT)

Recommended Material:

Fluency Course

Can you understand a conversation in English but still can’t speak? The Fluency course will help you speak English automatically. Learn how to speak English without translating mentally.



  1. Bianca

    Hello! Sorry, but I think in the audio the word -either- is being mispronouced.


        Thanks Georgiana
        I like the clear Pronounction.

  2. Jonathan

    Thank you teacher.l Georgeana for helping us so much. I love this lesson


      Hi, Jonathan! I’m happy that you’re enjoying the lesson!

      • Jonathan

        Yeah I enjoy each single lesson that you make! I follow your videos on YouTube for a while. I love your explanations, your speaking, it is so clear And I can easily learn from your pronunciation. May God Bless you.

  3. Luis

    Hola Georgiana, muy agradecido con usted por permitirme sus podcast, pues hasta hora he mejorado bastante mi oído y lectura del ingles. El curso encantado lo ve muy interesante, pero al igual que el anterior no dispongo de recursos para adquirirlo; la realidad venezolana cada día es mas trágica y dramática. Gracias por su ayuda. Continúe tan bien como va. Éxitos éxitos éxitos…..Dios la bendiga, y le mantenga esa capacidad de ayudar con tanta facilidad a que otros podamos aprender ingles, entre otros idiomas que nos gustaría aprender.

  4. Luis.

    Hola, Georgiana. Gracias por la ayuda que me brindo con sus podcast, de verdad me ayudaron mucho a mejorar mi oído y mi lectura de ingles. El curso encantado se ve excelente, pero al igual que la vez anterior no dispongo de recursos para adquirir el curso, pues en Venezuela la situación cada vez es mas severa y dramática para quienes aquí vivimos. Dios le bendiga a usted, y le conserve esa capacidad y calidad para enseñar el ingles, entre otros idiomas que nos gustaría aprender y dominar bien. Éxitos, éxitos, éxitos….. Saludos.


      Hola Luis. Me alegro de que el podcast te ayude a mejorar tu inglés.

  5. Paul Tembo

    Nice podcast. I like them very much. I love listening to English podcast. Your podcast are the best ever.


      Thank you Paul! Have a nice Sunday!

  6. Anthony Ramos

    Hi, teacher I have learned with your podcast. In my opinion, It is helpful to listen English audios because my brain to starts in English. Onte other hand, Your podcast are excellents. I have listened almost audios in your web site. Congratulations.


      Hi Anthony! It’s great that you’re enjoying my lessons. I will record new episodes after the second week of September. Have a nice day!

  7. Wilson Tapie

    Hi Georgiana!! I liked this episode I have learned more than before. Thank you Georgiana!!


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With Georgiana’s method  I have started speaking English from minute one and this is exactly what I needed. With the traditional method you will practice grammar, grammar and grammar, but with Georgiana’s method you will practice listening and speaking and in my opinion this is the most important thing when you are learning a new language. Ricardo

“Thanks to Georgiana, I have lost my fear of speaking English. I have eliminated my frustration and started to enjoy this language.” Miriam

“I did not study English when I was a child. I contacted Georgiana at a time when I felt blocked. She has helped me to lose my fear of speaking English.” Ana