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#096 Obsolete Communication 
Devices and Gadgets

Listen to a new episode of Speak English Now Podcast, your favorite material for practicing your spoken and heard English. You will also learn about lifestyle and culture, language, vocabulary and how to improve your English more effectively.

Welcome to Speak English Now Podcast. With your host Georgiana. The podcast that will help you to speak English fluently with no grammar and no textbooks.

Hi, everybody! I’m Georgiana, your online English teacher, and founder of speakenglishpodcast.com

My mission is to help you to speak English fluently.

Speaking English is easier than it seems! You just have to use the right material and techniques.

Today we are going to be a bit nostalgic, and talk about some communication devices and gadgets that still exist nowadays, but are obsolete.

Let’s start!

Fax machine

How did we share documents and letters before the email existed?

Although many people sent a telegram or a letter, there was another device that we used, particularly in the professional field. Yes. I’m talking about the fax machine.

While some companies still use fax machines, no one has one of those machines at home. I guess we prefer to use an email because it’s faster, takes up no space and it’s free.

Nowadays, you can still send a fax without a fax machine. You only need to use your computer or a smartphone, because there are websites that offer this service.


And by the way, you’ll be surprised to know that people still send telegrams.

No. I’m not referring to the Telegram Messenger app.

You can send a telegram the old fashioned way or even online.


How about landline phones? Do you still have one of those at home?

I can’t even remember when was the last time I had one of those. It was definitely a long time ago.

The landlines had no high-definition color display, no camera, and no Internet connection.  They had a long cord so people could move it around the house. But that was inconvenient. I remember my landline phone was wireless and had a small black and white screen. I was happy to move around the house without a cord, but it was a bulky phone, and the battery didn’t last long.

I just know that I’m grateful to have a smartphone now. 🙂


Get the FULL TEXT in PDF here.


Recommended Material:


Fluency Course

Can you understand a conversation in English but still can’t speak? The Fluency course will help you speak English automatically. Learn how to speak English without translating mentally.


1 Comment

  1. Mojtaba Reyhani

    With Georgiana’s “SPEAK ENGLISH NOW!” Podcast I have an audio specifically designed to simulate a conversation,
    Georgiana’s method is different, natural and very effective way to learn to speak English automatically and without much effort.
    A successful method that I named it “Focusing on Consolidation”, It grant me needful confident to talk from the first days.
    I appreciate and thankful for all of your efforts, Thank you so much Georgiana.


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With Georgiana’s method  I have started speaking English from minute one and this is exactly what I needed. With the traditional method you will practice grammar, grammar and grammar, but with Georgiana’s method you will practice listening and speaking and in my opinion this is the most important thing when you are learning a new language. Ricardo

“Thanks to Georgiana, I have lost my fear of speaking English. I have eliminated my frustration and started to enjoy this language.” Miriam

“I did not study English when I was a child. I contacted Georgiana at a time when I felt blocked. She has helped me to lose my fear of speaking English.” Ana