Listen to a new episode of Speak English Now Podcast, your favorite material for practicing your spoken and heard English. You will also learn about lifestyle and culture, language, vocabulary, and how to improve your English more effectively.
Welcome to the Speak English Now Podcast. With your host Georgiana. The podcast that will help you to speak English fluently with no grammar and no textbooks.
Hi, everybody! I’m Georgiana, your online English teacher, and founder of
My mission is to help you to speak English fluently.
Today I’d like to talk about introverts and extroverts, and at the end of the lesson, you’ll be able to determine your personality type. And you’ll learn how English grammar changes through a small point of view. We’re going to meet Tom, a guy who doesn’t like to be around people much.
So… how was your week? I hope everything went well. I’ve already recovered from the effort of decorating my house. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, you can listen to episode #088.
Remember that you can find the text of this episode of my website
What is extroversion?
Extroverts are usually the life of the party. With their outgoing and magnetic personality, they easily draw people to them.
So, if you want to know if you’re an extrovert just think about how much you enjoy being and interacting with other people. Do you enjoy chatting and having long conversations with all kinds of people? Do you get bored when you’re home alone? If the answers to most of these questions were “yes,” then you are probably an extroverted person. That is, you are a very sociable person.
And apparently, there are more extroverts in the world than introverts.
Can you guess what Tom Hanks, Oprah, Johnny Depp, Madonna, and Jim Carrey have in common? That’s right. They are all extroverts.
And… do you know how to tell me the opposite of extraversion? Well, this one is easy. The opposite word is introversion. If you like having your inner space, spending time alone with your stuff, then you are an introverted person.
By the way, make sure you don’t confuse the term introversion with shyness. A shy person is someone anxious about interacting with people, especially strangers.
However, an introverted person simply prefers to spend less time with other people.
In my case, I enjoy going out, and I have a lot of friends, though from time to time, I need some alone time. If you’re an extrovert, you’re probably asking yourself just how an introvert survives alone. Well, as an introvert when I’m at home I enjoy cooking something healthy and watch my favorite TV show on Netflix, other days I just read an interesting book.
And what do I do when I’m not at home? Well, I usually love going for a long walk as much as possible. It’s a great way to relax, and I often listen to an audiobook or a podcast. And no. I don’t listen to the Speak English Now podcast. 🙂 Although, if you want to improve your English, you should definitely give it a try.
Anyway, the bottom line is that I consider myself moderately introverted. What about you? What’s your personality type? Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I’d really love to know.
Famous people who are/were introverts:
Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe, Britney Spears, Julia Roberts, and Lady Gaga.
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Hi Georgiana! You’re one of my best English teacher. I can say: you’re the best. I have four days listening your class and I feel super, I feel that I’m learning a lot for real. Thanks.
I hope as soon I can buy your courses.