#278 The History and Meaning of Thanksgiving

>>>  ✨Christmas Offers 50% Off✨ <<< PREMIUM 📚COURSES >> Transcript: Tom (Being serious): Hey, do we have to send thank you notes to everyone we’ve ever met for Thanksgiving? James (Laughing): Oh no, it’s not like that! Thanksgiving...

#277 Romeo and Juliet – Shakespeare for beginners part2

  ENGLISH PREMIUM COURSES Resources: Audio MP3 (right-click to save the audio) FULL-TEXT PDF (right-click to save the TEXT) Transcript: Let’s continue learning about the play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. But don’t worry because I’ve made it very...

#276 Computer vocabulary in English for beginners

  ENGLISH PREMIUM COURSES Transcript: – Why did the computer catch a cold? – Because it had too many windows open! 😄 Hi! I’m Georgiana. Thanks for joining me for another episode of the podcast. Also, thank you for the 30 million...

#275 Romeo and Juliet – Shakespeare for Beginners

>>> 📚 LIMITED TIME OFFERS 50% Off <<< PREMIUM 📚COURSES >> Transcript: Hi! I’m Georgiana. Thanks for joining me for another episode of the podcast. My mission is to help you improve your fluency. Today, I will discuss Shakespeare’s...

274 Stress-Free English Learning and Healthy Living Tips

>>> 📚 LIMITED TIME OFFERS 50% Off <<< PREMIUM 📚COURSES >> Transcript: Today, our main topic today is stress management because, let’s admit it – learning a new language can be quite overwhelming. Don’t worry, I’m here to help....

#273 Healthy Lifestyle – Sleep

>>> 📚 LIMITED TIME OFFERS 50% Off <<< PREMIUM 📚COURSES >> Transcript: Today, we’re discussing our precious hours in bed every night, and why it’s important to get a good amount of sleep. And with a mini-story, you will practice your...

#263 Social Isolation – The Hikikomori Phenomenon

>>> ☀️SUMMER LIMITED-TIME OFFERS 50% Off:<<< PREMIUM 📚COURSES >> Transcript: Have you ever spent a whole weekend just relaxing and doing nothing? Just playing games or binging shows? It’s a nice break, right? But what if you did that for...

#262 Food vocabulary – How to Prepare a Smoothie?

>>> 📚 Back to School OFFERS 50% Off<<< PREMIUM 📚COURSES >> Transcript: I’d like to include some food and cooking vocabulary in this episode. And with a mini-story, you will improve your English fluency. You’ll see, it’s like having a...

256 -5 Signs It’s Time for a New Job

>>> 📚 LIMITED TIME OFFERS 50% Off <<< PREMIUM 📚COURSES >> Transcript: Today, we’re going to discuss a newspaper article. It talks about five signs that indicate the need to find a new job. Let’s take a look! #1 You hate it when they...

#255 Phrasal Verb – To Butter Up

>>> Get my 📚PREMIUM COURSES:<<< PREMIUM COURSES >> Transcript: Georgiana: Today, we will discuss the meaning of the phrase “butter up”… Student: “How interesting, Georgiana! You know I am on a diet, but this morning I...

#249 Zoom Business Meetings in English

>>> Get my 📚PREMIUM COURSES:<<< PREMIUM COURSES >> Transcript: Do you get nervous when you need to speak English over Zoom? Don’t worry because in this episode, you’ll discover how to engage in a business meeting over Zoom. In the...

Easter 2023 in the 
US and Australia

>>> Get my 📚PREMIUM COURSES:<<< PREMIUM COURSES >> Transcript: Today, we will learn how Easter is celebrated in the United States and Australia. We will hear Tom and Sarah’s conversation about their plans for Easter this year. And with a...

#245 The court of law in the USA -part 2

>>> Get my 📚PREMIUM COURSES:<<< PREMIUM COURSES >> Transcript: Today, let’s keep talking about words related to trials. And to help you improve your English fluency, I have created a fun mini-story. As usual, I will ask you many simple...

#234 Christmas Markets in New York 2022

  >>>  ✨Christmas Offers 50% Off✨ <<< PREMIUM 📚COURSES >> Transcript: Ah! It’s almost Christmas!!! And today, I will talk about Christmas Markets in New York. And with a fun mini-story, you will improve your speaking. If you need to...