Listen to a new episode of Speak English Now Podcast, your favorite material for practicing your spoken and heard English. You will also learn about lifestyle and culture, language, vocabulary, and how to improve your English more effectively.
Hi everyone! I am Georgiana, founder of My mission is to help you speak English fluently.
In this episode, I’ll teach you some new English expressions. You’ll learn different ways to call the American dollar.
And after that, you’ll practice your English speaking with a funny mini-story.
In the last part of this episode, I’ll tell you what to do if you get bored listening repeatedly?
You probably haven’t noticed it until now, but the truth is that there are many ways to talk about money in English.
Today you will learn many expressions that people in the US use when referring to the American dollar.
I’ll start with the most popular ones: bucks, dough, bread, cheddar, paper, Benjamin, Benji, etc.
The following terms are outdated or rarely used:
bones, scratch, cheese, lettuce, salad, chips, cake, and cabbage.
The dollar has also been referred to as a “bean” or “bone.“
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